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ESG Reporting & Analysis

The increasing volume of regulations in the market, including the EU Project Task Force on European Sustainability Reporting Standards (PTF-ESRS), the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) the 77 Sector Standards of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the newly established International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), demonstrate the growing recognition of the value of sustainable investment and highlight the importance of incorporating ESG in your reporting and investment decisions. 

These 7 hours training, split in two sessions- is an introductory course that helps you orientate in the ESG world of standards, guidelines, rankings, ratings and indices. You will get familiar with the leading organisations, their methodology and approaches. It will help you to link different standards in your reporting process and how to apply the concept of double materiality. You will learn to critically analyse the value and limitations of ESG rankings, ratings and indices. Moreover, you will have an exercise after the first session on double materiality. It is therefore important to remember to allow extra time for group work. 

 Acting responsibly is an internationally recognized sustainability expert. Since 2011 we have been certifying more than 1’000 managers on sustainability reporting, stakeholder engagement, ESG data management and verification. Acting responsibly is a Certified Training Partner of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for Europe and collaborates with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) on ESG data reporting.  



 Day 1 (half day):  

  • Welcome: Agenda, participants, expectations 
  • Introduction: Sustainability and ESG 
  • Key organizations in the ESG world (PRI, GRI, SASB, IIRC, TCFD, CDP) 
  • One expert leader from a leading ESG Organization 
  • Sustainability in the financial market 

  Group Exercice – Double materiality   ~ 3 hours 

 Day 2 (half day): 

  • Discussion about the exercice 
  • International / regional regulations on ESG 
  • Useful frameworks and instruments 
  • Limitations of ESG analysis 
  • Future of reporting 
  • Group discussion on frameworks and instruments 
  • Feedback and course evaluation 

End of session 


Here you find the upcoming workshops